Kingsmill Community


River's Edge is situated between the James River and Wareham's Pond, providing water vistas from each residence, some views more panoramic than others. The houses are uniquely nestled in cul-de-sacs for easy access and privacy. Built in four phases beginning in 1996, there are presently 54 "front doors", some with attached roof mates and others free standing. A few additional lots are available on both pond and river. Three basic plans exist with ample square footage and openness surrounded by large windows.

Residents stand in awe daily with
ever shifting seasonal sunsets; the sky is a waterfall of colors cascading into the James River. The rainbow colors are spread wide or confined for moments in moving clouds.

In this serene location eagles nest and soar, swans visit, otters paddle, beavers gather and annoy, woodchucks climb and tease and deer romp and graze. Virginia's nature is alive and fascinating in rolling ravines edging the water.

A pool is conveniently located in the center of this attractive neighborhood and is available from May-September for lap swimming, treading water and children's shouts and laughter--most likely echoing visiting grandchildren.  Neighbors meet for poolside parties on summer evenings.

Residents of River's Edge represent several countries and many states and the neighborhood experiences little turnover. This tight community includes actively employed, retirees, singles, couples and a few who enjoy second homes in other locations.

In the early phases of building River's Edge, the newly formed Parcel Committee debated wrought iron gates, beige or brown awnings, hedge barriers, adding gutters and a host of issues. Presently, the
seven member Parcel Advisory Committee (PAC) meets monthly to hear reports concerning landscaping, roads and pool, irrigation, finance, and building maintenance. The PAC works diligently to keep budget expenses as low as possible while keeping River's Edge a beautiful place to live.


River's Edge residents are a social people! A monthly Happy Hour brings everyone together from 5-7 p.m., hosted by rotating households. These events do not require RSVP, just an appetizer to share and your beverage of choice. The PAC hosts Semi-annual and Annual PAC meetings for residents, as well as a holiday social.  The "Ladies on the Edge" meet once a month for lunch at a local restaurant.  And TLC volunteers look after neighbors who may, on occasion, need a helping hand.  River's Edge is a vibrant Parcel within Kingsmill who enjoy the good life with great neighbors!


River's Edge is governed by a group of volunteer residents appointed to the River's edge PAC.  The PAC serves as an advisor to the Kingsmill Community Services Association's (KCSA) Board of Directors on such matters as maintenance, painting cycles and landscaping.  Below are the names of the current PAC and their areas of responsibility.


If you are interested in serving on your PAC, please submit a Statement of Interest form (located in the right hand column.)

 Parcel Chair/Secretary Ron Lynde 401
(757) 329-3945
Vice-Chair/Building Maintenance Vietor Davis, Jr. 305
 Landscape Maintenance Tim Cowley 207
 Budget Stephen Pond 306
(757) 345-6608
 Roads & Pool Leon Frazier 209
(703) 906-3501
 Irrigation Maintenance VACANT VACANT


2025 PAC & Parcel Membership Meetings
All River's Edge owners and residents are encouraged to attend monthly PAC meetings.  The floor is open for all to address the PAC on issues of concern, following the usual committee reports.  Attending these meetings is your best opportunity to discuss issues over which you are concerned.

PAC Thurs., Jan. 9 4 p.m. WPRC Room 2
PAC Thurs., Feb. 13 4 p.m. WPRC Room 2
PAC Thurs., March 13 4 p.m. WPRC Room 2
Semi-Annual Thurs., April 9 7 p.m. WPRC Community Room
PAC Thurs., May 8 4 p.m. WPRC Room 2
PAC Thurs., June 12 4 p.m. WPRC Room 2
PAC Thurs., July 10 4 p.m. WPRC Room 2
PAC Thurs., August 14 4 p.m. WPRC Room 2
PAC Thurs., Sept. 11 4 p.m. WPRC Room 2
Annual Thurs, Oct. 8 7 p.m. WPRC Community Room
PAC Fri., Nov. 13 4 p.m. WPRC Room 2





  • Weekly trash pick-up is made on Tuesday from the trash enclosure.
  • Bulk pick-up is every other Thursday at curbside. (See KCSA calendar and INSIDE KINGSMILL magazine for schedule)


  • Every other Friday at 7 a.m. curbside. (See KCSA calendar and INSIDE KINGSMILL magazine for schedule)
  • Owners are responsible for contracting painting of units as needed.


CLICK HERE to view a message regarding an amendment to the supplemental declarations on grinder pumps.
River's Edge has two different parcel assessments, depending if your property has a grinder pump.  View the assessments HERE.